A Living Tradition

In the Astanga Yoga traditon we are taught to practice yoga six days a week, taking off for moon days.
Traditionally, Saturday is the day of rest. On this day Pattabhi Jois recommends his students take an oil bath to reduce excess internal heat which can be felt as pain and stiffness in the body, a short temper, red skin, redness in the eyes, or pinkish acne.
To learn why Ashtanga Yoga practitioners take off practice on new moons and full moons visit Tim Miller at www.ashtangayogacenter.com.
Women should not practice inverted asanas during menstration, and if you practice daily, it is suggested to take rest for 2-3 days during the heavy time of your cycle. I also suggest reducing the amount you practice as your cycle is coming on and as you return to it. It is like winding down and winding up. In this way, we are truly experiencing our monthly cycle like the Moon.
2022 Moon Days
Please Note: Due to my reduced weekly teaching schedule I am no longer cancelling class for Moon Days. I am displaying the Moon Days for the year EST so you are aware for home practice. I suggest my students still attend class on their regular days and account for your Moon Day a different day than when I am teaching.
New Moon
January 2 (Sunday)
February 1 (Tuesday)
March 2 (Wednesday)
April 1 (Friday)
April 30 (Saturday)
May 30 (Monday)
June 28 (Tuesday)
July 28 (Thursday)
August 27 (Saturday)
September 25 (Sunday)
October 25 (Tuesday)
November 23 (Wednesday)
December 23 (Friday)
Full Moon
January 17 (Monday)
February 16 (Wednesday)
March 18 (Friday)
April 16 (Saturday)
May 16 (Monday)
June 14 (Tuesday)
July 13 (Wednesday)
August 11 (Thursday)
September 10 (Saturday)
October 9 (Sunday)
November 8 (Tuesday)
December 7 (Wednesday)